Wednesday, May 2, 2012

This Needs a Title! #2

My Abundant Life study remains on hold, why I don’t know, but that’s the way it is.

My frontal lobe is clogged with fidelity thoughts! Why, I ask myself, should I be concerned with marital fidelity? I’ll be 80 this year, we’ve been in love for 57 years, and very happily married 54 years; why is my head full of fidelity concerns? Can’t answer that; I can only share what‘s on my heart.

The benefit of this sidetrack may be singularly mine, but I’ve learned to follow the leading I have, and not complain about the leading I don’t have. This is longer than planned, but some topics can’t be covered 140 characters; sometimes 1,000 pages are skimpy.

So, here goes!