Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Life and Latex Paint

Latex paint is one of life’s modern miracles. It is mixed in water, you use water to clean it up, and when it is dry you use water clean it off.

Life is a lot like latex paint. Paint is great where it is supposed to be. Life is great when we do what we are supposed to do and become what we are supposed to become.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Leading With My Knee

There I was face down on the ground staring at the dirt three inches from my nose with a sharp stabbing pain in my left chest, and a dull ache in my left leg.

I laid very still for 15 to 30 seconds assessing my physical condition, nothing seemed to be broken, all my parts moved on command. Then I turned about half over and started removing the motorcycle from my left leg. That was when I discovered a rip in my pants and a sharp pain coming from my left knee cap; a few seconds before my knee cap was covered with skin, but now it was white gristle and oozing plasma.