Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Life and Latex Paint

Latex paint is one of life’s modern miracles. It is mixed in water, you use water to clean it up, and when it is dry you use water clean it off.

Life is a lot like latex paint. Paint is great where it is supposed to be. Life is great when we do what we are supposed to do and become what we are supposed to become.

A few drops of latex paint spilled on the floor can easily be cleaned up soon after if it spilled. The same is true with errors in life, as soon as we know we’ve done something wrong we can correct it, ask forgivness, forgive others, and everything is soon back to normal.

If the paint drops are not cleaned up quickly, however, they become hard and you start getting drops on top of drops. The same water that could have removed the drops now only cleans them off for everyone to see. Errors made in life that are left to dry can become hard and not easily cleaned up – and sometimes very conspicuous.

Each of us have drops of paint on our floor-of-life that did not get cleaned up on time. What is the solution?

God has some cleaner that removes the latex paint spills in our lives, even the old ones! All we have to do is ask for it!

"If we confess our sins to Him, He can be depended on to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong. And it is perfectly proper for God to do this for us because Christ died to wash away our sins." (I John 1.9 LB)

This is life's perfect latex paint remover!

With God's forgivness and approval we are free to "do life" and enjoy it!

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