Saturday, April 27, 2013
Desert Flowers Are Beautiful

Energy and friends
Late April, 2013, we went camping. We have camped almost every year of our 55 years of married life.
When we camp alone we make camping really simple and fun.
On this five day trip we sat out in the shade of the motor home every evening.
We'd start at 4:30 visit until it was too cool for comfort - 8:30ish.
We watched the birds feeding and listened to their songs. We watched the nearly full moon rise over the mountains that turned red as the sun hid itself behind the western horizon. But mostly we simply enjoyed each other's company.
Best friends don't need a lot of activity to enjoy each others company.
Friday, April 26, 2013
God and the puppy
It may be a poor comparison, but God's love is a lot like a puppy's love. We don't deserve God's love, we don't deserve the things he has planned for us. God's love is like the puppy's love - it's just there for us to enjoy.
We must accept the puppy to have its love, and the same is true for God.
Bed partner
When I go to bed at night Molly asks to be lifted up onto the bed. There she is happy for the night. A body doesn't deserve such devotion!