Saturday, July 28, 2012

Zacchaeus, Jesus and Acceptance

Have you ever wondered how Jesus knew Zacchaeus' name?

When Jesus came to the place, He looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down because today I must stay at your house.” (Luke 19:5)

No one had introduced them. So how does Jesus know?

If you were from Jericho and you discovered the town tax collector who has been robbing you blind via over-collection for your whole life up in a tree, what would you do? Your enemy is up a tree. That's a very undignified place to be. You'd probably laugh at and taunt this enemy. Jesus knows Zacchaeus' name because everyone is taunting and making fun of him.

Zacchaeus I am going to your house today
What does Jesus do by saying that he must stay at Zacchaeus' house today?

He shifts the hostility of the crowd from Zacchaeus to himself. How is that? He has just passed through Jericho, not accepting the hospitality of the more reputable residents of town. Now that he is on his way out, he decides to bless the house of the tax collector with the opportunity to provide hospitality to himself and his disciples on their way to Passover in Jerusalem. Showing hospitality is an honor the community gives to the community-member who they feel can best provide it. They would never choose the town tax collector.

By going to Zacchaeus' house, Jesus neither endorses his oppression of the citizens of Jericho, nor does he endorse their loathing of Zacchaeus. Jesus simply shows love.

At dinner Zacchaeus pledges to give 50% of his assets to the poor and to pay back 4 times what he has stolen from anyone. Could he really have fulfilled this pledge. Probably not. If all that he has stolen amounts to 13% of his possessions he will be in negative equity. Why does he say this then? Exaggeration is how sincerity was demonstrated in this time and place. If he had pledged to give some of his possessions to the poor and to pay as much as he could afford back to the people he had cheated, no one would have taken his pledge seriously. Through his exaggeration everyone present knows Zacchaeus is sincerely pledging to clean up his financial act.

Jesus sums up by saying "Salvation has come to this house." Did you notice that Zacchaeus has not done anything except make a pledge at this point. The religious leaders of Judea at this time required actions before forgiveness could be bestowed. Jesus says salvation has come before Zacchaeus has a chance to act on his words. Jesus affirms Zacchaeus' acceptance in the eyes of God regardless of what the community thinks.

What is salvation? It is acceptance. It is much more than a moment of decision. Jesus knows that Zacchaeus' whole life will change, and he accepts him right then as he is. He eats a meal with him. Eating a meal together is a symbol of reconciliation. That's what Passover, the Last Supper and communion are all about. They are meals that focus on reconciliation and freedom with and through Jesus. 

What happened in Jericho after Jesus left? No written source tells us. We can assume that through Jesus' demonstration of unexpected love to the town tax collector, not only was Zacchaeus' life changed, but the whole community was changed. Through eating with the town tax collector, Jesus indirectly lifted oppressive tax burdens from the whole community. Jesus was not focusing his love on just one man. He was showing love to the whole community.

This is re-posted from a friend's blog::

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

God and Cell Phones

I was in Costco and naturally I stopped by the Verizon kiosk. I put my Motorola Android 2 on the counter and asked if there were any updates. Naturally, updates were available.

Actually two updates were available, the screens were the same size but the best model was much brighter and therefore easier to read (that was a plus). It was thinner (no big deal), but it was 4G (it loaded 10 times faster, but mine was working fine). I thanked the young man and went on my way.

Immediately my phone developed a problem. I was slow! It loaded apps slow, I was waiting on it go perform. I didn’t have a problem before I knew a phone could operate 10 times faster!

Now, I want one of those faster phones … it’s the classic story, where your heart is there shall your treasure be also!

That phone deal is like the Gospel; I didn’t know there was a problem until I learned that the God of the universe has divided the human race into two groups, those that accept His son Jesus and those that don’t. Those that accept His son Jesus receive an immediate new heart and attitude, they have a peace that passes understanding, and human eyes have not seen, nor have ears heard the things God has prepared for them in the life to come.

That news is like the cell phone, when I heard about it I wanted it – I accepted Jesus’ deal (I’ve been reading the manual ever since)!

Unlike cell phones, Jesus’ deal is free and there won’t be a new model coming out later!

Unlike cell phones, if all my friends and all their friends accept Jesus’ deal it won’t slow down my response time – it might even make it better.

My recommendation, upgrade your cell phone and accept Jesus’ deal!

Monday, July 16, 2012

I’m on a Boson High

I’m on a Boson High
Ray Sammons, July 2012

During the first week of July, 2012 the scientists at CERN announced they had discovered what they think is a Higgs-Boson particle. Do I detect a yawn or a, “Ho hum”, or a, “What, and who cares?”

Let me explain.