Our God continues to amaze me! That statement by it’s self is peculiar statement – of course God is amazing! Duh!
This time my amazement is what He has for a light show. What seems huge to me, however, is just a speck to Him.
But think about it, the Hubble Telescope shows us one frame of a supernova God has watched for 11,000 years. This speck in His universe spans over100 light, and it started moving at millions of kilometers per hour but as it goes along at that speed it picks up debris that slow it down.
Isaiah under stood more than I do:
Isa 40:26 Look at the night skies: Who do you think made all this? Who marches this army of stars out each night, counts them off, calls each by name --so magnificent! so powerful!-- and never overlooks a single one?
Look at God’s toy, here: